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Smoke Free Existence

I am a 39 year old proud resident of Mississauga. I have been an addicted smoker for over 20 years and have been working diligently and quitting. I have been smoking on and off for the past 4 months and will NOT give up trying to quit. One day, I WILL live a smoke free existence.

Smoke Free Existence ?

I want to smell only clean crisp air
I want to be able to smell my freshly washed hair
I want to smell my perfume, that I so strategically spray on
I want to smell the scent of my very own front lawn
I want to run up the stairs without grasping for air
I want to play with my child without a breathing care
I want to stop using the puffers that help
I want to stop worrying and worrying about the state of my health
I want to stop being awoken with the wheezing that I hear
I want to stop living in this constant state of fear
I don't want to stop the conversation to have a smoke outside
And leave my precious friend waiting for me inside
I want to have a free existence with a fresh clean body scent
With no burden of the addiction...
So, I'll keep trying and trying until I am living a smoke free existence

Anita Bhatia
Dec 15, 2008
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