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Canvassing during the Daffodil Campaign

Every April, during Daffodil Month, thousands of volunteers fight back by becoming a volunteer fundraising canvasser. Although canvassing was first established as a neighbourhood-driven program in 1948, canvassing can now happen in many ways: knocking on doors, asking friends and family, fundraising at the workplace or by creating a personal online canvassing page.

When you knock on a person’s door or ask a colleague for support, you aren’t just asking for a donation. You are there as an ambassador for the Canadian Cancer Society bringing awareness to the support the Society offers people facing cancer in your own community.

In line with many other fundraising organizations, this year, we are continuing to offer donors at the door the opportunity to sign up to make a monthly commitment to help us fight cancer. Monthly donors make a big difference in the fight against cancer, because they not only help reduce administrative costs, but also provide a predictable source of income that allows us to more effectively plan ahead and make the most out of donor dollars. We appreciate and value your support of the Canadian Cancer Society’s monthly giving program.

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